TCC STudent ministry

TCC Student Ministry meets on Sunday nights during the school year for food, games, worship, the word, and so much more!  They also have fun events like Fast Food Night, Frozen Turkey Olympics, and Fall Flannels and Flapjacks!  We would love to see your 6th-12th grade student on a Sunday night!

CIY and launched 2.0 Registration

Is open!

Sign your student up today for our awesome Summer activities!

CIY Move is a week long retreat for our current 8th-12th graders!  CIY Move is in Holland, Michigan and will be June 30th-July 5th!

Launched 2.0 is for our current 5th-7th graders and is an overnight retreat hosted here at TCC!  Launched 2.0 is July 25th-July 26th!  Sign up before March 1st to get early bird pricing!

Register Here

Our Purpose

"TCC Student Ministry exists to create a safe place for students to experience the Word, Community, Worship, and Prayer in the lifetime pursuit of Jesus."

Our purpose statement is taken from Acts 2:42, where Luke records the reaction of the people to Peter's sermon.  This is the start of the church after Jesus' death, resurrection, and ascension.  We want our students to experience a full life transformation in their lives through experiencing Jesus.  To hear more about this vision and how we strive to accomplish it please watch the video by pushing the "hear more" button below.

HEar More


Join our Facebook page!

Join our Student Ministry Facebook group for all info on Youth Group and more!


Sign up for Updates

Click the link below to get information on how to join our texting group!  This is one of the fastest ways to get TCC Student Ministry info!


Follow us on instagram!

Want to stay up to date with everything going on in the Student Ministry?  Follow us on Instagram!


Check out our YouTube!

Check out our YouTube page to see sermon videos, promotional videos, and more!

Parent resources

we want to help you!

Follow our parent Facebook and Instagram pages for access to great resources for you as you parent your 6th-12th grader.  We want to help you in any way we can with your student!  Just click the icon below to be taken to our pages!




“And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and prayers.”

Acts 2:42

Upcoming student events

Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...