The Story of God's love

During the year 2025, we are going through a journey together as a church. This journey is designed to help us all get a grasp on the story of God’s love as told in the Bible. The Bible is filled with stories, and in many ways, they are all about how God has called humanity to him because of his deep love for us.

However, it’s a big story that covers hundreds of years, and because of that, it’s easy to get lost. Sometimes, it’s difficult to make connections between what happens in Genesis and John or Exodus and Ephesians. The goal in this journey is for you to be able to put those pieces together in a way that helps you see the story of God’s love.

That’s what we’re calling this journey: The Story of God’s Love. Most Sundays this year, our messages will be based on his great story, and we also have available a Bible reading guide that will through this material as well. Even if you didn’t start with us at the beginning, join us in reading along as we go through the Bible together.


Follow along!

The Story of God's Love Reading Plan

We would love for you to follow along with us throughout 2025!  Click here to access the reading plan that goes along with this journey we are going on in 2025!